Jul 10, 2018
In a delicious mix of serious storytelling, film reviewing and humor, Melissa cuts loose on bad screenwriting AND awful murder as she looks at the life, career and death of writer/director/producer/actor Adrienne Shelly - who was murdered in her New York City office apartment in 2006, just when things were just starting to hit the bigtime for her. Her indy film "Waitress" had just been named to debut at the upcoming Sundance Film Festival when she was killed, and the film has gone on since to become somewhat iconic - it's even become a Broadway musical. But...really...why? As Melissa points out with brilliantly honest humor, "Waitress" just...isn't...very...good... Interweaving the tale of Shelly's senseless death with a devastating film review, this can only be described as something like Roger Ebert at the Morgue. Simultaneously compelling, brilliant, sad and hilarious, as only Melissa can convey.